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If You Want to Change Your Body, Pilates is Essential.

Re-shaping and toning your body can get incredibly complicated in the gym. The process is generally approached from the outside in, which doesn't feel good. Many times, there are so many different ways to move your body and so many muscles to target that you can end up wasting time on a lot of exercises that don't serve your purpose.

Woman doing Pilates Stretches

The first thing you'll gain a greater understanding of in Pilates class is that you are not a body; you have a body. On your mat, you will perform movements that mimic the stretching of Yogis, and practice strengthening your full range of motion like ballerinas. You will sync all movements with your breath to ensure quick muscle recovery, as are the techniques of T'ai Chi. You'll even recognize other pieces of exercise forms such as swimming, kickboxing, and more!

In Pilates class, you become a Ballerina, a Yogi, and a professional Swimmer, Kickboxer - but at the same time, you don't. There is no pressure to identify with any of these based on what you do with your body or what your body does for you. You are not a body, but you have one.

Pilates Pose

Pilates focuses all exercises on the "trunk" of the body (which consists of the muscles of the torso between your ribs and just above your knees). This immediately removes all doubt as to whether those exercises you've spent time and energy on will actually alter the shape of your body. The goal is to strengthen the muscles that support your joints' full range of motion, and build a strong core and back.

These benefits do provide a fast track to change the visual appearance of your body, but more than that, they improve your stability in balance and flexibility, and heal your body from imbalances.

Pilates Instructor and student

Pilates was initially named by its creator (Henry Pilates) "Contrology." He believed practicing fitness that prioritized precision of movement and strengthened the most influential muscles of the body would allow you to "control" your level of health and healing. He used his practice to heal injured WW1 soldiers returning from combat and later worked with George Balanchine to heal and strengthen members of the New York City Ballet Company.

If you're looking for a way to start practicing Pilates today, KTIZO Fitness offers Pilates Group classes every week in Downtown Jonesboro. Check out our schedule in the link below:

Not ready to start an in-person Pilates Class? That's okay! Our expert instructor, Caroline, teaches Pilates on her YouTube channel so that everyone has access. All you need is a mat!

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